For most businesses there is a set and very specific amount that you can afford to spend on uniforms. Yet this need must be carefully balanced against the actual amount of uniforms that your employees need. Because of this need, you require something that is affordable, as well as looks good and can wear well. At the same time, you have to consider that most employees will need more than a single uniform, especially if they are working full time. But by the same token, ordering too many uniforms that you do not need can be a huge drain on your uniform budget and put you into the position of scraping your budget rather thin.
A good general rule of thumb is to consider that all full time employees are going to need at least three shirts. However, a part time employee will only need a minimum of two shirts. If you can afford it within your budget, purchasing a shirt for each day that they work in a week is always best since this will help to reduce the amount that the uniforms are washed, and thus increase their wear time before they must be replaced. However, at the same time you must plan to order what you can reasonably afford.
Another cost that you need to take into account is for pants if you will be providing them. Typically, pants are going to be a much more expensive process than the shirts. However, you can generally use only two pairs of pants for full time employees and a single pair of pants for part time employees. This can help to make them much more affordable in the event that you are going to provide pants. Again, if your budget can allow, providing a pair of pants for each day that the employee works is always best.
For the purposes of planning uniforms, it is always best to consider employees as full time if they work 30 hours or more in a week. This will allow you to quickly and easily separate out how many uniforms you are going to need. While it is always great to have a nice sized budget to work with for uniforms, it is just sometimes not possible. Having a way to easily determine the number of uniforms that you need is always helpful, plus it will be a good tool to use to help keep your uniform budget carefully under control.
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