Gain Market Share During Economic Downturns

Uniforms Help Companies Improve Bottom Line

WILMINGTON, Mass., May 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- With signs of arecession all around us, now more than ever is an ideal time for thesuccess-minded company to pro-actively advertise their business image and brand to gain market share. As Harvard Business School professor John A.Quelch notes: "It is well documented that (companies) that increase advertising during a recession, when competitors are cutting back, can improvemarket share and return on investment."

And, as such highly-competitive service industries as airlines, hospitality, and parcel delivery have repeatedly proven, one of the most effective forms of advertising is the use of easily recognizable, image-enhancing employee uniform programs. The uniforms that employees wear on the job provide a unique promotional vehicle for companies because the custom apparel serves as 'walking billboards' to promote their services and products, when uniforms are selected with the wearer in mind, garment styling, image, and function canhave a positive influence on employee attitudes and their job performance --both of which ultimately translate to improved products and services and, inturn, stronger customer loyalty.

Examples of the advertising effectiveness of uniforms abound. "Most consumers, for example, who see a brown uniformed UPS employee, will immediately think about the company's worldwide mailing and delivery service capabilities. And those who observe Midas' uniquely designed yellow-and-black 'pit crew' type uniforms get the subliminal message that their mechanics provide higher quality auto services."

Multiple studies have underscored the positive advertising attributes that uniform programs provide. For instance, a study by the University ofNevada - Las Vegas of 200 hospitality employees, found that uniforms heightened wearer self-confidence and contributed to positive work attitudes. Additionally, surveys conducted by J.D. Power and Associates(R) on behalf ofthe textile services industry and another by Harris Interactive Polling showedthat customers have more confidence and trust in employees who wear uniforms,and indicated they believe that products and services provided by uniformed employees are of higher quality. What the surveys point to is that image-conscious companies with uniquely uniformed employees have a distinct competitive advantage in the marketplace and that's just that type of business edge you want during economic downturns.

There are also post-recessionary benefits. When economies improve, conditions become more conducive for employees to seek out new jobs. The 'team-like' atmosphere uniform programs create has been shown to be apositive influence in retaining good employees and improving overall turnover rates-- all of which leads to even further gains in market share and return on investment.

LogoWear Direct is a leading supplier of logo uniform apparel and work uniform to business customers throughout the U.S. and Canada. With trusted brand names like Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Arnold Palmer, PGA Tour, Jerzees and more.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Purchasing New Uniforms For Your Business

For most businesses there is a set and very specific amount that you can afford to spend on uniforms. Yet this need must be carefully balanced against the actual amount of uniforms that your employees need. Because of this need, you require something that is affordable, as well as looks good and can wear well. At the same time, you have to consider that most employees will need more than a single uniform, especially if they are working full time. But by the same token, ordering too many uniforms that you do not need can be a huge drain on your uniform budget and put you into the position of scraping your budget rather thin.

A good general rule of thumb is to consider that all full time employees are going to need at least three shirts. However, a part time employee will only need a minimum of two shirts. If you can afford it within your budget, purchasing a shirt for each day that they work in a week is always best since this will help to reduce the amount that the uniforms are washed, and thus increase their wear time before they must be replaced. However, at the same time you must plan to order what you can reasonably afford.

Another cost that you need to take into account is for pants if you will be providing them. Typically, pants are going to be a much more expensive process than the shirts. However, you can generally use only two pairs of pants for full time employees and a single pair of pants for part time employees. This can help to make them much more affordable in the event that you are going to provide pants. Again, if your budget can allow, providing a pair of pants for each day that the employee works is always best.

For the purposes of planning uniforms, it is always best to consider employees as full time if they work 30 hours or more in a week. This will allow you to quickly and easily separate out how many uniforms you are going to need. While it is always great to have a nice sized budget to work with for uniforms, it is just sometimes not possible. Having a way to easily determine the number of uniforms that you need is always helpful, plus it will be a good tool to use to help keep your uniform budget carefully under control.

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